Terrace 30: 30 minutes for Open Mic

Terrace 30: 30 minutes for Open Mic

Terrace 30: 30 minutes for Open Mic Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 8-8:30 pm Eastern We invite Terrans to join us online for a tight 30 minutes to: Share song, poem, story, and creative work in supportive space Meet new and known Terrans, as we hang together online Cheer...
Terrace 30: 30 minutes for Speed Friending

Terrace 30: 30 minutes for Speed Friending

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 8-8:30 pm Eastern We invite Terrans to join us online for a tight 30 minutes to: * Talk with Terrans about their Terrace experiences. * Meet new and known Terrans in breakout rooms. * Find co-hosts with whom to create events locally and...