Terrace 30: 30 minutes for Speed Friending

Terrace 30: 30 minutes for Speed Friending

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 8-8:30 pm Eastern We invite Terrans to join us online for a tight 30 minutes to: * Talk with Terrans about their Terrace experiences. * Meet new and known Terrans in breakout rooms. * Find co-hosts with whom to create events locally and...

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Reunions 2024

[tt-event url='https://www.tickettailor.com/checkout/new-session/id/3622704/chk/e1d5/?ref=website_widget&show_search_filter=true&show_date_filter=true&show_sort=true' minimal='false' bg_fill='true' show_logo='true' inherit_ref_from_url_param=''...

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Happy Juneteenth 2021

Happy Juneteenth from Terrace!   There's still a lot of work to do to achieve liberation, equality and justice – we're here for the work and we welcome you to join us! How are you commemorating Juneteenth? Drop it in the comments so we can see what everyone is up...

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Cannabis Moves Mainstream

Cannabis Moves Mainstream Please enjoy the video below. The introduction was accidentally cut out so the text of the intro is as follows: Happy Virtual Reunions! Thank you for joining us this evening. Looks promising that we’ll be in person next year but it is a treat...

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Humans waste a third of their food. If all Americans without good access to food lived in the same place, it would be the biggest city in the country. Even on college campuses, hunger is a real problem: one in four students has trouble getting enough to eat each day....

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Interviews conducted by Liz Yu ’19 | Questions by James Holahan ’05 | Photos by Liz Yu ’19 We interviewed three individuals who help define food and love at Terrace today. Gladys Marin retired in 2017 after over 30 years with the club. This year she’s returned as...

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In the past week, the temperature has dropped a whole 30 degrees. Mama’s bones shiver and creak as we huddle in every corner, squeezing skin on wall to temper the turn from blue to black. The light from the sun is far too weak to warm even her Solarium, only reaching...

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Reunions is a special time for Princeton alumni to relive some of their best years. While I like to think that the best years of our lives are yet to come, taking a much-needed break from the demanding, sobering schedule that adulthood brings is an invitation that few...

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Jordan Roth ’97 won a Tony Award this year for Angels in America. Eva Hagberg Fisher ’03’s first book, How To Be Loved: A Memoir of Lifesaving Friendship will be released in February, 2019. Adam Nemett ’03’s debut novel, We Can Save Us All, was published in November,...

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Invitation to Public to Visit Terrace Club

The general public is cordially invited to visit our special eating club (along with other clubs) on Friday, March 8, 2019 from 1:30 to 4:30pm.  No reservations are required; simply arrive at your convenience to see where generations of students have taken meals and...

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From the Board Chair

“Why bother with diversity and inclusion?” If you preach it, like I do, you probably get this question a lot. And nothing is more obnoxious than the doubter who says, “You mean lowering my standards?” Well, no, you say to him (and it’s always a he). Diversity and...

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Notable Achievements

Richard Sobel ’71 received the 2017 George Orwell Award from the National Council of Teachers of English for his book Citizenship as Foundation of Rights: Meaning for America. According to the NCTE, “Sobel’s rather sobering and methodical book serves as a social...

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My Fellow Terrans,

My Fellow Terrans,

As I sat on the chunky bar stools in the taproom last Fine Beer Wednesday, I was asked, “So how many years ago does November feel like?” I chuckled. Years indeed. Decades maybe? When I was elected in the fall, the Future Dome loomed stoically despite its weathered...

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In Memoriam

(Terrans whose passing was noted between October 1, 2017 and April 1, 2018) Edward H. Coale ’42. Served in the Navy during WWII. Class secretary, devoted Reunions attendee and P-rade marcher. Founder of Readi-Bake; former president of American Frozen Food Association....

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Spring 2018 Shows

2/8/18 – MO LOWDA & THE HUMBLE + Sad Actor 2/10/18 – ORIGINAL PEACHES + Chynna Rogers 2/15/18 – SUNSPEAKER + Big Ups 2/17/18 – DJ MORGAN + Karikatura 2/22/18 – MIKE MULSHINE & THE MANIC PIXIES + Max Pain & the Groovies 2/24/18 – GLOBAL LOCAL + MH the Verb...

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Social Impact Award

Terrace Club has consistently led the Princeton campus on social issues: racial integration, co-education, gender rights, and more. Students today continue traditional Terrace values by volunteering, studying, and working on many social impact issues. To celebrate...

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Terrans for Good

Terrans for Good

Social justice is an essential part of Terrace’s identity. We hear from three alumni who work in social justice. Be on the lookout for fall’s featured theme, which is food and drink. Mike Southwell ’60 I didn’t have the slightest idea what I wanted to do when I went...

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~~introducing: our new officers~~

~~introducing: our new officers~~

From the depths of the Mother's embrace spurned six fearless souls, equipped with all the love they would need to guide Terrace into the FutureFuture™. Introducing our fabulous new officer corps: Liz "Who let this blue ghost in?" Yu (President), Ben "Point and laugh"...

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MUSIC at Terrace Club

MUSIC at Terrace Club Music is an essential part of Terrace’s identity. We asked alumni from a range of class years to share recollections of their favorite musical moments. Thanks to all alums who responded to our questionnaire. Be on the lookout for spring’s...

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Read the Spring 2017 Newsletter!

Your club is much the same as you remember it—a welcoming home for creative, caring individuals. As you read this, the classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019 are living out new stories. (I could tell you mine, but not in writing.) As a young alum, I realized that the value...

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Terrace Memorabilia – Resurrected!

Attention Terrans! If you're like us, your wardrobe consists mostly of Terrace t-shirts and hoodies. But how do you fill that gaping hole in your wardrobe (and soul) when you lose the shirt that came out your sophomore year, and all the extras were used as tourniquets...

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Spring 2015 Alumni Newsletter

Spring 2015 Alumni Newsletter

Download the spring 2015 alumni newsletter as a PDF ... we are pleased to share here, as an addendum to the printed newsletter, some reflections sent by Edward White '56, which were excerpted just briefly in Walter Kirn's article about the club in the years of 1955 -...

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Be an Alumni Mentor!

We’re firing up a pilot program to pair current Alumni mentors with current Terrace members who are interested in particular professional, creative or scholarly fields. Learn more & sign up!

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Read the Fall 2014 Alumni Newsletter

Read the Fall 2014 Alumni Newsletter

Read the fall newsletter, featuring a tribute to William Scheide ’36, a look back at the momentous late 1980s when chef Barton Rouse “stoked and tended the Terrace flame,” and a moving adieu from president Chris St. John ’15.

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Why Terrace Became the First Club to “Unbicker”

With this article, we begin a new initiative to cover an important event or era in Terrace’s history in each issue of the newsletter. Pavithra Vijayakumar ‘15, Alumni Relations Chair, examines the history of Terrace’s switch to the sign-in system, with interviews of Terrace alumni who witnessed and participated in the end of bicker at the club.

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Terrace Night at the Princeton Club of NY

Don't miss this chance to connect with fellow Terrans! Terrace Night at the Princeton Club of NY Wednesday, April 23rd from 6 - 9pm 15 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036 You'll get a chance to catch up with old friends and meet Terrace members across the...

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Dead Head Night – LIVE Audio

Hear the live audio from Dead Head Night at Terrace Club – June 2, 2012 Featuring honorary club member Phil Lesh of the Grateful Dead with his sons Grahame and Brian Lesh '12 Along with Marco Benevento, Joe Russo, and Stanley Jordan '81 ... please share your comments...

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3rd Annual Terrace Club Pig Roast

On Saturday, August 25th over 90 recent alums and current members gathered in Terrace and enjoyed the delicious culinary creations of chefs Olin Noren and Ben Arfa, as well as the company of all their fellow Terrans. With a wide array of vegetarian and vegan dishes...

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Live @ TFC

Explore our archive of recordings from live shows at Terrace Club ... or view a list of past events. essay paper online » Dead Head Night - June 2, 2012  Elliott Smith - April 12, 1997 Elliott Smith Das Racist - April 2, 2011 Das Racist Aesop Rock - May 10, 2011...

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