(Terrans whose passing was noted between October 1, 2017 and April 1, 2018)
Edward H. Coale ’42. Served in the Navy during WWII. Class secretary, devoted Reunions attendee and P-rade marcher. Founder of Readi-Bake; former president of American Frozen Food Association.
Henry M. Bonner ’44. Served in New York State Guard during WWII. Worked in investment management. Sailed across Atlantic Ocean twice.
William F. Bowld, Jr. ’47. Served in the Army during WWII before matriculating to Princeton and graduating with the class of 1950. Terrace vice president. Worked for Proctor & Gamble in Memphis, Paris, and Geneva.[1]
William G. Hamilton, Jr. ’48. Served in the Marines during WWII and Korea. Spent much of his career in public affairs and media relations for various government agencies.
Richard F. Maury ’48.
Prof. Jerome Pine ’49. Professor of physics at Caltech for more than 50 years. Leader in inquiry-based science education and cofounder of Caltech Prescience College Initiative.
Dwight H. Livingstone ’50.
Allan A. Ryysylainen ’50. Served in the Navy during WWII.
Norman J. Sage ’51. Longtime attorney.
Herschel R. Phelps, Jr., MD ’53. Ophthalmologist, served in Air Force and Air Force Reserve. Patron of the arts, Habitat for Humanity, and the Humane Society in his home state of Colorado.
Robert M. Amick, MD ’55. Served in the Army. Practiced internal medicine at the Boston VA hospital, where he was chief of staff and director of education. Served on the board of Princeton AlumniCorps.
Prof. Richard A. Rudders ’59. Oncologist and hematologist. Served in the Navy. Practiced medicine in the Boston area and taught at Tufts and Boston University. Loved fishing and waterfowl hunting.
Mark R. Adelman, PhD ’63. Professor and researcher in biophysics; internationally recognized for work on primitive motility. Advocate for public education. Oyster farmer.
Thomas J. Pniewski ’66. Musicologist and music professor. Played and taught piano, organ, and harpsichord. Champion of the arts.
H. Holt Apgar, Jr. ’69. Terrace social chair. Played soccer at Princeton. Served in the Navy. Worked as a computer systems analyst for various defense contractors in the Washington, DC, area.
John E. Grimmer ’71. Attorney who specialized in maritime law. Loved cooking, scuba diving, and spending time on the Maine coast.
David O. Fredrickson ’72. Practiced law in Traverse City, Michigan. Volunteered with local Jubilee House and Democratic Party. Loved to read.
Michael A. Gollin ’78. Attorney specializing in patent law. Took on extensive pro bono work at home and abroad. Recognized for contributions to the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, which was jointly awarded to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore. Father of Max Gollin ’16.
Dana L. Harrison ’81. After pioneering career in finance, became core organizer of Burning Man festival. Worked with numerous spiritual and creative organizations around the Bay Area. A strong and kind spirit, Deadhead, and Terrace president.
[1] Supporter of Terrace.